Dustin Purinton, CPA, Accounting Manager
Sacramento Transportation Authority
Sacramento Transportation Authority
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The Board of Supervisors approved the Hazel Avenue Improvement project in September 2006. The purpose of this “Complete Street” project is to reduce congestion and increase safety and mobility for all modes of transportation along the two-mile stretch of Hazel Avenue between U.S. Highway 50 and Madison Avenue. The overall project includes the following major elements:
When completed, this project will improve safety and aesthetics, provide multi-modal alternatives along the corridor, accommodate existing and future traffic, and will bring Hazel Avenue into conformance with the Sacramento County General Plan. Development of this project will require full acquisition of 45 residential parcels and partial right-of-way acquisition of 90 additional parcels.
Phase I (U.S. Highway 50 to Curragh Downs Drive)
A Phase 1 Hazel Avenue Improvement Project was completed in September 2011, and included the following improvements from U.S. Highway 50 to Curragh Downs Drive:
Additional Project Phases Include:
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