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Center Galt Interchange

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Measure A Funding
City of Galt
Project Status

The Central Galt Interchange project was completed in June 201. The project purpose was to increase interchange capacity, solve existing operational deficiencies, accommodate planned growth in the region, and improve overall traffic safety and operations.

Major improvements included the following:

  • Widening/reconstruction/relocation of the existing C Street bridge structure over SR99
  • Addition of a second bridge across SR99 at A Street, and ramp modifications
  • Provide for multimodal use (ped/bike)

This interchange was more than 50 years old and in need of replacement, but reconstruction was still decades away. The estimated $60 million price tag for traditional signalized ramp terminals also made any improvement to the interchange cost prohibitive. Surface street intersections on SR 104/Twin Cities Road at the frontage roads and the existing two-lane overcrossing structure of SR 99 – all within the state right of way – were at their capacity and were limiting development in the city. These intersections, controlled by traffic signals, were operating with unacceptable queues in danger of backing out onto the freeway.

The MTJ/Omni-Means team developed a cost-effective and timely solution that included two closely spaced roundabouts and a new freeway on-ramp to replace the existing congested signalized intersection. This solution preserves the existing overcrossing and eliminates existing congestion while providing increased capacity of the interchange to accommodate future growth.

The construction cost of the completed project is estimated to be approximately $6 million – one-tenth the estimated cost of the interchange replacement utilizing traditional widening with signalized ramp terminals.

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